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MIHAI EMINESCU • Chronology / Life, Creation, Cultural Context


March, 30. To celebrate the 400 years of Monastery Putna's foundation by Stephen the Great, the Romanian students in Vienna create an organization committee, in which Eminescu is elected secretary. Planned to take place in the summer of 1870, the celebration will be put off for one year, the cause being breaking of the French-German war. • April, 5. In Federatiunea (The Federation), a publication issued in Pesta, Eminescu publishes the articles Să facem un congres (Let's make a congress), În unire e puterea (Union is power) and Echilibrul (The Equilibrium), signed with the pen name Verro. As a consequence of these writings, the Austro-Hungarian authorities will try to enter a press action against him. • April, 15. Convorbiri literare publishes Venere si Madonă (Venus and Madonna), the first poem sent by Eminescu to the editor-in-chief, Iacob Negruzzi. Prior to its publication, the poem had been read during one of Junimea's meetings. • July. During a voyage to Austria, Iacob Negruzzi meets the poet in Vienna and makes him the proposal of coming to Jassy after finishing the studies. • August, 15. On the first page of Convorbiri literare, the poem Epigonii (The Epigones). • November, 15. The same Convorbiri literare publishes Făt-Frumos din lacrimă (Prince Charming of the Tear), which is the first prose of Eminescu to appear. The fairy-tale will be translated into German by M. Gaster and published in Bukarester Salon between October 1883 - February 1884. • December, 27. Aglaia Eminovici marries professor Ioan Drogli. • The Romanian Academic Society entrusts I.C. Massim and A.T. Laurian with the elaboration of the work Dictionarul limbei române (Dictionary of the Romanian language). • Starting with this year, until 1879, Al. Cihac will elaborate, in French, Dictionarul etimologic daco-român (The Daco-Romanian etymological dictionary). • 1871, January 5. According to written documents, Gh. Eminovici binds himself to give his daughter Aglaia 2000 ducats, a too large dowry for his limited financial resources. For carrying out the assumed obligations, Eminovici will be finally forced to sell the Ipotesti estate. • January, 19. The two societies of the Romanian students in Vienna, România and Societatea literară si stiintifică (The literary and scientific society), merge together in the newly-created România jună (Young Romania), whose elected president is Ioan Slavici, while Eminescu is its librarian; both of them had actively supported this union. • Eminescu continues to collaborate to Convorbiri literare, sending to Iacob Negruzzi some new creations: Mortua est, Înger de pază (Guardian angel), Noaptea (The night). • March, 15. Convorbiri literare publishes Ioan Slavici's play, Fata de birău (The tribute collector's daughter), the text of which had been revised and sent to Jassy by Eminescu. [next]

RO / MIHAI EMINESCU • Viaţa, context/ Cronologie


Memorialul Ipoteşti Mihai Eminescu National Center for Studies
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