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MIHAI EMINESCU • Chronology / Life, Creation, Cultural Context

Mihai Eminescu, 1869 Vienna Vienna - Opera House

August, October. Familia publishes Eminescu's poems La o artistă (To an actress) and Amorul unei marmure (Love of a marble). • In Brasov, Astra edits Transilvania, a magazine directed, until 1893, by Gh. Baritiu. Starting with 1881, the publication will appear in Sibiu. • Birth, at Stefănesti (Botosani), of the painter Stefan Luchian (d. 1916). • 1869. Eminescu creates the „dramatic tableau” Andrei Muresan, remained in manuscript. • February. Eminescu publishes in Familia the poems Junii corupti (Deprived youths) and Amicului F.I. (To my friend, F.I.). • April, 1. Creation, in Bucharest, of Orientul (The Orient), a circle meant at promoting national culture and the study of folklore; Eminescu – one of its members – is in charge with gathering folklore from the Moldavia regions. Eminescu's poem, La moartea principelui Stirbey (On the death of Prince Stirbey), circulates in Bucharest on a loose leaf. • June. Eminescu accompanies Pascaly's theatrical company during its tour in Moldavia, an occasion on which the contacts between the poet and his family – interrupted for 3 years – are resumed, so that, in september 1869, with the financial support of his father, Mihai will leave for Vienna to attend university courses. It is the time of Mihai Eminescu's first photograph, taken in Prague, in the studio of photographer J. Tomas. • B.P. Hasdeu – Răzvan si Vidra, Bucuresti • Death of Gh. Asachi (b. 1788). • Birth of the poetess Iulia Hasdeu (d. 1888). • 1869-1870. Eminescu attends, as an extraordinary student, the courses of the Faculty of Philosophy in Vienna, in parallels with courses of law, medicine, Romanic languages, ancient history. These years initiates his frienship with the transylvanian Ioan Slavici, a relation based on common literary preoccupations and, equally, on the involvement of both in the activities organized by the Romanian students'circles in Vienna. • 1870. Eminescu plans a series of popular lectures, to be delievered in Maramures: Geniul national (The national genius), În favoarea teatrului (Defending the theatre), Studiu asupra pronuntiei (Study on pronunciation), Poezia populară (Popular poetry). • January, 1. On the occasion of the New Year, Eminescu, together with a group of Romanian students, pays a visit, at Döbling, to Al.I. Cuza, the former Prince of Romania. • January 19. In Albina, Eminescu publishes O scriere critică (A critical writing), a review on D. Petrino's work Putine cuvinte despre coruperea limbii române în Bucovina (A few words on the corruption of the Romanian language in Bukovina) Cernăuti, 1869; this article will cause the animosity of Petrino, who will launch virulent attacks against the poet, especially after 1874. [next]

RO / MIHAI EMINESCU • Viaţa, context/ Cronologie


Memorialul Ipoteşti Mihai Eminescu National Center for Studies
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